Grace-Filled Thoughts — Marriage

Read chapter one of Ready, Set, Married

Read chapter one of Ready, Set, Married 0

We are grateful to Dr. Mendez for sharing the first chapter of Ready, Set, Married with our readers, entitled "Commitment." We pray that it offers you insight and inspiration as you endeavor to remain committed to your spouse.
The emotional connection your marriage is missing

The emotional connection your marriage is missing 0

Ask any marriage therapist, and they will tell you… emotional connection (or lack thereof) is one of the biggest marital struggles they see. Here’s where Certa author and marriage counselor Bruce Lengeman is well-suited to offer advice...
The Art of Empathy in Marriage

The Art of Empathy in Marriage 0

As a Clinical Psychologist for the past 24 years, I have learned to never underestimate the value of empathy. Time and time again clients have told me that the most beneficial aspect of their counseling experience has been the feeling of being fully known and truly valued.

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