Grace-Filled Thoughts — christianity

To the mommas on Mother's Day 0
There are those moments when all is social media perfect for a moment. Then there’s the rest of life. The moments when you don’t know what you’re doing. When you don’t know if what you do makes a difference. When you see all your failures, feel every disappointment, and wonder when your days won’t be so long.- Carrie Schuessler
- Tags: christianity faith family mother's day motherhood Parenting relationships

Lugging life's luggage 0
This month we are featuring Neil Cullan McKinlay's book The Gospel: Simple yet Profound as a part of our Easter titles. Mr. McKinlay was good enough to boil down the central message of his book into this reflection, which is also quite "simple yet profound."- Carrie Schuessler
- Tags: books christianity easter faith inspiration lent

The Smile of the Father 0
Whether we like to admit it or not, few relationships in our life affect us like our relationship with our dad. This subject is close to the heart of Certa author Penny Tucci. Read more for her insights to help men and women find freedom from their past hurts and walk in faith and freedom.- Carrie Schuessler
- Tags: books christianity dads faith family fathers fear inspiration relationships

Read chapter one of Ready, Set, Married 0
We are grateful to Dr. Mendez for sharing the first chapter of Ready, Set, Married with our readers, entitled "Commitment." We pray that it offers you insight and inspiration as you endeavor to remain committed to your spouse.- Carrie Schuessler
- Tags: books christianity communication conflict counseling family lust Marriage relationships

Habit formation: Here's what you're missing 0
Habit formation has always been a hot topic. For years, authors such as Stephen Covey and James Clear have tackled this subject to offer ideas, inspiration, and hope to those of us who struggle to form good routines. But could there be something missing, specifically for believers? Could there be a reason that many of us try endlessly to change our habits, only to fail again and again?- Carrie Schuessler
- Tags: books christianity greg gifford habits new release puritans

Who am I? 0
Does the world seem upside down to you? Even the most normal of norms seem to be questioned; the most basic of truths thrown out for more progressive ideas. Lest we be careful, this upending of foundational principles can seep into the Christian’s thinking, bringing doubt and confusion. Today we have the privilege of hearing from EP author and Pastor Terry Johnson who brings together his knowledge of history and theology to speak to what is true, specifically what is true about our identity in Christ.- Carrie Schuessler
- Tags: calvin christianity identity reformed terry johnson who am i