The emotional connection your marriage is missing

Ask any marriage therapist, and they will tell you… emotional connection (or lack thereof) is one of the biggest marital struggles they see. The wife complains that her husband is distant, doesn’t care or doesn’t empathize with what she’s going through. And often the husband is surprised she feels this way, thinking but we talk all the time and I feel like I’m a good listener.
Here’s where Certa author and marriage counselor Bruce Lengeman is well-suited to offer advice. You see, he’s heard these concerns again and again. In fact, he’s seen them so often that he’s written a book for men on this exact subject. Don’t worry guys, this won’t be a book that bashes you or demands you set aside your God-given masculinity. Instead, it calls you to more and offers you an opportunity to come alive to her heart.
Here’s what Bruce has to say about the book:
In writing my new book Come Alive To Her Heart, it was a delicate concern, for I didn’t want to destroy the glory of manhood, feminize men in the process–or make them “touchy-feely.” I initially only had 100 books printed. They sold overnight. Then 250 more. Back ordered! One man, who had been married several months before said, “If only I had read this book before I got married, my wife and I would have saved a lot of hardship in our first months.” Ruthie taught me how to meet her emotional needs. I wanted to know.
Our culture fuels a fatherless, orphan spirit for men, so addressing the issue of male insensitivity is far more than addressing how to do it. It is revealing to men the glory of who they are in Christ, and the glory of Godly manhood.
Yes, we are working on a sequel–Ruthie is writing Wind to His Back, a look at marriage from the other side. But for right now, our prayers are that Come Alive To Her Heart will save or upgrade multitudes of marriages! Oh yes, our recommendation is that husband and wife read the book together, so that when hubby says, I do that, wifey can reply, no you don’t, so hubby can then say, Oh!
This book is practical, filled with the author’s personal testimonials of how he learned, through failure and experience, to nurture a happy, healthy partner for life. Written for husbands but wives will benefit, too!
$9.99 | 68 pages | Buy here
Bruce Lengeman is a pastor, counselor, business motivation speaker, and the author of several works. He has a passion for seeing people set free and living to the fullness God has for them. He has worked in ministry for over 30 years and has had the privilege of seeing countless lives changed by the Lord.
Bruce is the author of Kingdom Culture: Uncovering the Heart of What Empowers Teams and To Kill a Lion: Transforming Your Life Through Sexual Freedom.
- Carrie Schuessler
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