Grace-Filled Thoughts

Repopening the Churches: A reflection by John Benton

Repopening the Churches: A reflection by John Benton 0

Today we present a careful and sobering glance back at the last year's effect upon the church. We think you will find John Benton's thoughts quite poignant and perceptive...
The emotional connection your marriage is missing

The emotional connection your marriage is missing 0

Ask any marriage therapist, and they will tell you… emotional connection (or lack thereof) is one of the biggest marital struggles they see. Here’s where Certa author and marriage counselor Bruce Lengeman is well-suited to offer advice...
He holds us back to set us free

He holds us back to set us free 0

Have you ever heard the Lord speak so clearly that it changed the course of your life or ministry? Here author Larry Gordon shares one such moment. While his experience was personal, there is much general wisdom to be gleaned from what he heard:
  • Carrie Schuessler
We have something to tell you...

We have something to tell you... 0

If your 2020 has been like ours, you've seen many "purposes, plans and achievements" disappear. Isn't it a tremendous encouragement to know that these temporal things pale in comparison to the immovable mountain of God? 
The JPL 2020 Gift Guide

The JPL 2020 Gift Guide 0

The JPL 2020 Gift Guide is here! We have something for every book lover on your list, young and old!
  • Carrie Schuessler
Who am I?

Who am I? 0

Does the world seem upside down to you? Even the most normal of norms seem to be questioned; the most basic of truths thrown out for more progressive ideas. Lest we be careful, this upending of foundational principles can seep into the Christian’s thinking, bringing doubt and confusion. Today we have the privilege of hearing from EP author and Pastor Terry Johnson who brings together his knowledge of history and theology to speak to what is true, specifically what is true about our identity in Christ. 

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