Grace-Filled Thoughts


How should Evangelicals observe Lent? 0

If you travel in Christian circles, you may have noticed that the observation of Lent has become more common and encouraged within evangelical denominations. Once reserved for only the liturgical sects of Christianity, setting aside 40 days before Easter for focused prayer, fasting or other observations has become quite widespread.

In his article titled Evangelicals, Ash Wednesday, and Lent, George Sinclair offers this perspective:

Lent should be a time where we take extra care to spend extra time reading and thinking upon God’s word written.

He offers some practical ideas for ways to focus our hearts during these 40 days before Easter:

Consider reading the whole New Testament (you can do it if you read for 30 mins a day for 40 days – and still have a bit of time to spare!). Consider reading through all four Gospels. Consider memorizing 40 Bible passages. Consider making a 6 week commitment to meet with a couple of people and read and discuss the Bible together. 

It is also good to consider spending extra time in prayer or humble service. Maybe you can “fast” from your phone and the internet for a day or week or a season. Maybe you can forsake some simple pleasure and take the money you would have spent on that pleasure and give it to support a missionary or a group that works with the poor.

Whether you celebrate the Easter season through liturgical practices, family gatherings or additional services, we hope that your heart is turned toward the significance of the season. One way to focus your attention is by studying Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and we have some perfect resources for you:

In these pages, author Timothy Cross takes the reader from the promise of God at the dawn of history, through the Old Testament foreshadowing into the New Testament event of the cross. He does not stop there: the cross is considered as the apostles teach it and what all this means for the Christian today. 
Grab your copy of A Journey Into Calvary today!
$8.99   |   116 pages


"This book of expositions by Lee Gatiss is an important reminder that, in our warranted zeal for the truth of penal substitution, we must not downplay or ignore the rich and full range of the achievements of the Cross, and its many applications to our lives. An important and edifying volume."
- Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City
Grab your copy of The Forgotten Cross today:
$5.99   |   112 pages


The 2019 JPL Gift Guide is Here!

The 2019 JPL Gift Guide is Here! 0

The 2019 JPL Gift Guide has something for everyone on your list. If you're shopping for kids, parents, grandparents or friends, you're sure to find what you need!
4 Words that Can Transform Your Parenting

4 Words that Can Transform Your Parenting 0

There are plenty of lofty parenting theories, well-meaning books, and platitudes from empty-nesters. But sometimes what parents need are practical tools for the nitty-gritty of raising kids. Ideas for the tantrums, fights, and messes. And who better to give us advice than JPL author Ellen Martin, mother of 5?

Her book, A Life Shared, discusses four words that have transformed her parenting and today she is expounding on that idea for our benefit. Enjoy!

Years ago, I heard a mom say, “Time to empty out.” Her son went to the bathroom without event.

Those four-words ended the battle of “Go to the bathroom.” “But I don’t have to.”

I explained the phrase one time, “Your bladder can hold A LOT of pee, it’s time to empty out.” Soon the older kids were teaching the younger ones.

“Different families, different rules,” are four words that have changed our family life. With five kids, I say “no” a lot. Our kindergartener will still fall-out on the floor in full-body tantrum some days. And have you ever seen a middle-school tantrum? It’s not pretty.

“No” can make me the bad-guy. I can handle that, when necessary, but it’s not always necessary. The answer “no” can often be replaced with a simple explanation: “Different families, different rules.”

Parents and kids know families live differently. The movies we watch, the places we go, the way we parent, the things we buy. “Different families, different rules” ends the whole discussion of “Why do they get to, but we don’t?”

Some families drink soda daily. We drink it with pizza, when we go out-to-eat once a month, and at parties. We have friends who don’t drink soda at all.

Why? That’s their family practice.

“Different families, different rules.”

No one is the bad guy. Not you. Not the other family. The practice is just the practice.

“Different families, different rules,” does two powerful things.

One, kids and parents often unknowingly elevate their family’s practices over another family. “Different families, different rules” encourages us to honor our own family’s practices and other families at the same time.

Two, it makes us, the parents and the kids, a team. Rather than pitting us against our kids, “different families, different rules” encourages our kids to embrace our family practices for themselves.

Just yesterday, the boys wanted a kid to play with them. He wasn’t allowed to leave the bleachers, 

“Different families, different rules. Go play,” I said.

“What did you say?” an older child asked.

I repeated myself.

She smiled a big smile, “I’ve never heard that.”

“You like it?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said and looked at her mom.

It made so much sense to her without any explanation. That’s what makes those four-words powerful. Kids understand them and will embrace them. 

“Different families, different rules.” Try it. I’d love to hear how it works for you.

So simple, yet so brilliant, right? We encourage you go pick up a copy of Ellen's book, A Life Shared, which is an excellent resource for parents in search of practical wisdom.

Ellen Martin, mother of five, lives in Wilmore, Kentucky with her husband Andrew. With a Masters of Arts in Christian Education and Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary, her days are filled with her workshop “THE TALK: Embrace the Sacred Gift,” writing, and life with family and friends.

Parents want to share life with their kids, but it is not easy with hectic schedules and life’s demands. 
A Life Shared offers vision and insight on how to have meaningful conversations through the busyness of life, questions for transformation, suggestions for action, and grace for every parent. 

  • Brad Rusticus
Putting Sexual Addiction in a New Light

Putting Sexual Addiction in a New Light 0

For years the church has struggled to adequately address sexual addiction. We are grateful for JPL author Bruce Lengeman's courage to speak truth into this issue. Today he challenges us to look at sexual addiction in a new light:

So many “Sexual Purity” programs of the past have failed for several reasons. For one, pouring on guilt and shame as a lust-fix will make the problem worse, since a large part of why men struggle with lust is that the brain creates sexual fixes attempting to ease unhealed emotional pain. Guilt and shame exacerbate the problem.

There are two major categories of addictions: substance and process. If you have a substance addiction, as in drugs or alcohol, you must separate yourself from the controlling substance. Historically, misguided counselors have made people who struggle with lust feel as if their sexuality is their enemy. How wrong! God made us sexual. Sexual addiction is a process addiction, meaning you must learn to manage and master a necessary physiological process so that it remains a healthy process, and that puts it into a totally different category and summons a different grace.

Can you imagine if we treated food addiction by making transgressors think food is bad? In my book To Kill a Lion, I point out that the process of recovery from sexual dependency begins with a healthy view of sexuality—sex is a God-designed process driving personality, intimacy, creativity, in addition to reproduction and love-making. But the traditional guilt and shame therapies to cure sexual addiction in sincere people drive people to rely on behavior modification instead of finding victory through heart transformation.

So I’ll leave you with a question to meditate on: In light of the difference between a substance addiction and a process addiction, how can one deal with the issue of sexual addiction most effectively?

Bruce Lengeman is a pastor, counselor, business motivation speaker, and the author of several works. He has a passion for seeing people set free & living to the fullness God has for them. He has worked in ministry for over 30 years and has had the privilege of seeing countless lives changed by the Lord.







Bruce is the author of Kingdom Culture: Uncovering the Heart of What Empowers Teams and To Kill a Lion: Transforming Your Life Through Sexual Freedom.

Let's get back to basics

Let's get back to basics 0

As Christians, we like to believe that we are immune to trends. But the truth is that the church rises and falls upon the waves of what is popular and new just like the secular world does. Sometimes these shifts serve to advance us toward that which is new and fresh, but more than often they can distract and delay our spiritual walk.
Pray Without Ceasing

Pray Without Ceasing 0

Prayer is an interesting thing. It is so easy to do, but at the same time so difficult. Prayer can often feel like you're not doing anything at all - at least for me. Prayer can feel like taking a step back instead of being productive - but it's so much the opposite.
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