What would the Puritans say to today's American church?

In a recent episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel Webbon interviewed Dr. Joel Beeke, one of JPL's most prolific authors. The discussion centered on Dr. Beeke's study of the Puritans, asking the question, "What would the Puritans say to today's American church?" We think this conversation will be both educational and inspirational for you as well all seek to walk rightly with the Lord.
We've highlighted a few of Dr. Beeke's resources here, but encourage you to look into his entire collection on our site.
In Puritan Reformed Spirituality, Joel Beeke provides us with a first-class tour of some of the great sites of Reformed theology and spirituality. Here we meet men such as John Calvin, John Brown of Haddington, Thomas Boston and the Erskine brothers. We see their views on subjects such as evangelism, the Law, assurance, faith, guidance, holiness and preaching.
480 pages | $19.99
In this small but important book, Reformed Piety, Dr. Joel Beeke and Stephen Myers show how genuine biblical, Reformed piety, is both covenantally based and experientially lived. Piety, covenant, and experience are all interrelated in genuine and vital Christianity, and all point to Jesus Christ as the head of the covenant and the focal point of true Christian experience.
48 pages | $3.99
- Carrie Schuessler
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