Antionette Brookins
Antionette Brookins is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She owns and operates Destination. Hope Counseling and Enrichment Center, which specializes in Christian counseling. There she offers various aspects of skill-building, including anger management for youth and adults, as well as esteem-building for preadolescent girls. She also provides psychotherapy services for incarcerated youth and adults, as she takes great pleasure in assisting others to tap into their potential.
Because of her love for God’s people, and her own experience of searching for purpose, Antionette founded “Lunch with Lady Nett The Esteem Building Project,” where she ministers to the hearts, minds, and emotions of young girls through therapeutic play. Together they celebrate the beauty and innocence of childhood through the lens of our Father, Jesus Christ.
Antionette and her husband, Tobaise, Senior Pastor of Bethesda, reside in Fresno, California. They have a beautiful, and very active, 10-year-old daughter, Tai. Antionette is also the mother of two beautiful adult daughters, Essence and Kira. They bring joy, excitement, and the extra special element of “craziness” that only daughters can.
Books by Antionette Brookins: