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The Principles of Natural and Politic Law
Author:Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui Translated by Thomas Nugent (1763) Born in 1694, Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui helped transform the modern tradition of natural law and convey it to new generations. Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui (1694–1748) was a Swiss jurist.
Up to 20 Images or Quote Outs

Up to 20 Images or Quote Outs
Graphic Insertion or Quote Outs: We will insert up to 20 images or quote outs into your book. (Included with Select Publishing Package)

Up to 15 Images or Quote Outs
Graphic Insertion or Quote Outs: We will insert up to 15 images or quote outs into your book. (Included with Royal Premium Publishing Package)

Up to 10 Images or Quote Outs
Graphic Insertion or Quote Outs: We will insert up to 10 images or quote outs into your book. (Included with Top Seller Publishing Package)
Featured Author Page

Featured Author Page
You will have your own author page on our website that is all about you and the books you have written. Use this page to have any book buyers order your books straight from your publisher.
Video Book Trailer

Video Book Trailer
Bring your book to life by having a professionally produced, high-quality, compelling video trailer created to stimulate interest in purchasing your book. We will also place your book trailer on YouTube, the video posting leader, and our website. Click here for more information.
RUSH - 45 Days

RUSH - 45 Days
Your books will be completed within 45 days after we receive your final manuscript! (Does not include print time.)

Submission to Top National Book Award Programs
We will submit your book to two national award programs. Book awards bring exposure and influence buyers. If you win an award, you will always be known as an “award-winning author!” Authors supply two copies, per award, out of their own inventory.

Submission to Three Notable Online Book Review Sites
By submitting your book to review sites, you can create more interest that leads to sales. A favorable review can be used in all your marketing efforts and provide credibility to potential purchasers.* *Author must agree to supply up to 30 copies of their book for review. Author might not actually give away that many, but has to be willing to if...
Media Marketing Kit

Media Marketing Kit
Have all your information, product description, author bio, interview talking points, etc. in one elegantly-designed, professional package. This is a necessity that takes you a step above the rest when approaching other professionals for partnership, interviews, and reviews.
Social Media Set-Up

Social Media Set-Up
Tell the world about your book! We will create, and set you up with, Twitter, Facebook profile, Facebook page, Author blog, Goodreads, and Feedburner to help assist in the publicity of your book.
Book-Signing Kit

Book-Signing Kit
Sell more books when you do a book signing at your church or a bookstore! You will receive 250 Postcards, 200 bookmarks, 25 posters, and 50 fliers.

Amazon’s Author Central Setup & Optimization
With over a quarter of all books in the world bought on Amazon.com, it is easy to say you want to be in as many places on their site as possible! With the creation and optimization of your personal author page on Amazon.com, you will help potential purchasers find and get to know you and your book(s). You will also be able to keep track of your ...
Blogger Review Program

Blogger Review Program
Blogs rank third (behind retail and brand sites) in impacting consumers’ decisions to purchase a product. The Blogger Review Program makes your book available for bloggers to review your book and write a review on their blog. Gaining positive reviews is an essential part of marketing your book.* *Author must agree to supply up to 30 copies of th...
100 Author Bookmarks

100 Author Bookmarks
Your full-color author bookmark will have your book cover, description, and purchasing information on the front. Readers love bookmarks!
1,000 Author Business Cards

1,000 Author Business Cards
Your author business cards will have your full-color cover on the front and your book’s description and purchasing information on the back.

Make your book available through the newest technology on the market! Your eBook is placed for purchase on CertaPublishing.com, Amazon’s Kindle, Apple iBookstore, and Google Play.*** Click here for more information.

Graphic Insertion or Quote Outs
Price is per image. We will insert images or quote outs into your book.
Amazon.com Marketing

Amazon.com Marketing
We will establish marketing/search keywords for your book on Amazon.com so potential book purchasers can discover your book more easily. We will also provide the “Search Inside” feature on Amazon.com to allow potential buyers to preview a portion of your book.

Quarterly Distribution Marketing Package
Get your book listed in the seasonal quarterly print and online fliers with our distribution company, JPL Books. We will also promote your title in our social media channels in that quarter. (We will work with you to determine the best season to market.)

Professional Marketing Consultation
Imagine consulting and getting advice through our experienced marketing team! We will work with you to help you discover the best ways to market and sell your book. *Marketing Consultation includes a 1-hour session for the Top Seller, 1-hour + one 30-minute session with the Royal Premium. The CP Select includes three 1-hour sessions over 3 month...

Christian Book Distributors Eligibility
We make your book eligible for distribution through ChristianBook.com and its' catalogs.

Bookstore Distribution Availability
We make your book available to over 35,000 bookstores via Ingram.
Christian Books & More Database

Christian Books & More Database
We will list your book in the most complete database of all Christian products in the country with over 1,200 Christian stores participating.
Online Media Blast

Online Media Blast
Online media is a quick way to get your book in front of millions of potential readers by using key social media websites. When you purchase one of our Online Media Blast packages, we will contact you to get the information we need. We will then create, populate and link to include your book on our quarterly promotions for: E-blasts Website Si...
Custom Designed Marketing Posters

Custom Designed Marketing Posters
Full-Color Posters Grab Attention! Make your new book visible to potential readers and buyers, wherever people gather. Strategically placed posters really grab attention and build awareness for your book or book-signing events. Long proven as an effective marketing and sales tool, posters attract attention and promote action.So write your custo...

Promote your book and boost your sales with professionally designed and written, four-color flyers---a great way to notify potential buyers and readers about your latest release! Flyers can be used as mini-billboards or posters, stuffers in a church mailing or in any of a dozen other ways to draw attention to your new book.These beautiful flyer...

These full-color, professionally designed bookmarks will be used not only when someone is reading your book, but also when he or she is reading OTHER authors' books. This is a great marketing tool at a very affordable cost! Estimated delivery is about two weeks after order placement. The bookmarks measure 2"x7" and are printed in full color on ...

We capture your full-color book cover on the front of the postcard and announce your promotion on the back. These high-gloss postcards can deliver your targeted, custom message to hundreds or thousands of potential readers, with amazing results! Don't wait and hope for your book sales to take off. Get your books out of their boxes and into reade...
Business Cards

Business Cards
Business cards offer you a very inexpensive way to promote your book and create a link for your readers to connect to you. At a cost of mere pennies per card, you can give your cards out by the hundreds and watch the calls and orders build.Estimated delivery is about two weeks after order placement. The business cards measure 2”x3.5” and are pri...
Select Package

Select Package
Certa's Select Publishing Package Includes the New Release Base Package, Plus: Full-Color Cover (5 Custom Covers Advance) – Our talented design team will create a unique custom cover that reflects your vision for the book and helps make it marketable online and in bookstores. Custom Advance Interior Formatting and Design – You can choos...
Royal Premium Package

Royal Premium Package
Certa's Royal Premium Publishing Package Includes the New Release Base Package, Plus: Full-Color Cover (4 Custom Covers Advance) – Our talented design team will create a unique custom cover that reflects your vision for the book and helps make it marketable online and in bookstores. Custom Advance Interior Formatting and Design – You can ch...
Top Seller Package

Top Seller Package
Certa's Top Seller Package Includes the New Release Base Package, Plus: Full-Color Cover (3 Custom Covers) – Our talented design team will create a unique custom cover that reflects your vision for the book and helps make it marketable online and in bookstores. Christian Books & More Database – We will list your book in the most comp...
New Release (Base Package)

New Release (Base Package)
Certa's New Release Publishing Package Includes: Non-exclusive Contract – You own 100% of the rights to your book! One-on-One Author Support – Our Publishing Consultants are always available by phone or email to every one of our authors. Full-Color Cover (2 Custom Covers) – Our talented design team will create a unique custom cover that r...