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Kress Biblical Resources
A Biblical Critique of Infant Baptism
Author Matt Waymeyer ISBN 9780977226283 Pages 148 A Biblical Critique of Infant Baptism offer six reasons to reject infant baptism, each of which is explained in its own chapter. This book is an earnest attempt to strive toward like-mindedness among brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ by careful attention to the Word of God on this impo...
Amillennialism and the Age to Come: A Premillennial Critique of the Two-Age Model
9781934952252Amillennialism and the Age to Come: A Premillennial Critique of the Two-Age Model
Author Matt Waymeyer ISBN 9781934952252 A thorough and fair analysis of amillennialsim from a premillennialist perspective. “Waymeyer stays close to the text, argues biblically, and writes in an irenic way. He has shown great respect for the body of Christ where some have differed from the premillennial view he has taken, yet he has also cour...
Author Richard Caldwell ISBN 9781934952542 Pages 68 Este libro inicia donde las personas se encuentran, es decir, en la realidad de que todos tienen ansiedad. Pero luego las lleva al único lugar dinde pueden encontrar soluciones verdaderas y sólidas para la ansiedad: la Palabra de Dios. Caldwell guía al lector en este viaje con la habilidad de ...
Answering Anxiety: A Biblical Answer for What Troubles Your Heart
Author Richard Caldwell ISBN 9781934952153 Pages 64 An extremely insightful, pastoral exposition of 1 Peter 5:1-7, which reveals God's design for dealing with anxiety. This book begins where people are, that is, with the fact that everyone has anxieties. But it then takes people to the one place where they can find true and solid solutions f...
Biblical Counseling: What to Expect
Author Lou Priolo ISBN 9781934952283 Pages 48 In this booklet, Lou Priolo has effectively answered many of the most common questions and misperceptions concerning biblical counseling. If you have questions about biblical counseling, you need to read this! Dr. John D. Street, Chair, MABC Graduate Program, The Master’s University & Seminary;...
Caesar and the Church: A Biblical Study of Government and Church
Called to Be Saints: An Exposition of 1 Corinthians
Author Robert Gromacki ISBN 9780971756816 Pages 232 Pastors, teachers, Bible schools and colleges, and study groups will benefit from these fine expositions. Based on the English text (KJV), Dr. Gromacki uses his expertise and gifting to present the meaning of the epistle in a clear and straightforward manner. Necessary technical matters and n...
Christian Living Beyond Belief
Author Cliff McManis ISBN 9780977226221 Pages 224 If your desire is to grow as a believer, mature in the faith, please Christ, have the fullness of the Christian life and walk confidently in the will of God, then Christian Living Beyond Belief is for you. McManis defines and biblically illustrates the prioritized virtues for daily living know...
Colossians and Philemon for Pastors
Author John Kitchen ISBN 9781934952184 Pages 474 If you are searching for a commentary that is both exegetical and expositional in nature, this is it. Over the past year and a half I spent countless hours studying Colossians as I sought to bring my congregation faithful sermon expositions. After reading each page of this commentary, and more ...
Courageous Churchmen
Author Jerry Wragg ISBN 9781934952344 Pages 232 What is it that compels a group of people to follow the leadership and vision of one person? Why are the insights and pursuits of certain individuals more persuasive than those of others? This book reveals how leadership should be characterized in the church, and how biblical leadership must diff...
Discernment for the Ages: A Sermon on Wisdom in Turbulent Times
Author Richard Caldwell ISBN 9781934952603 Pages 40 How often the evangelical church of our time has been willing to re-evaluate what she has long believed, because of social consciousness, the moral outrage, of a world that has already demonstrated that it has no conscience, and has no respect for what is truly moral according to Scripture! Th...
Discipleship: Lessons for the Christian Life
Author Thomas Leake ISBN 9781934952597 Pages 167 The 28 lessons in this book provide a biblical framework for being and making disciples. They can be used for individual study, one-on-one discipleship, or in small groups. Each lesson contains a Bible verse or passage along with a brief explanation na exhortations toward application and obedienc...
Expository Listening: A Practical Handbook for Hearing and Doing God’s Word
Author Ken Ramey ISBN 9781934952092 Pages 144 Expository Listening is your handbook on biblical listening. It is designed to equip you not only to understand what true, biblical preaching sounds like, but also how to receive it, and ultimately, what to do about it. I have a couple shelves full of books about expository preaching, all aimed, ...
Expository Sanctification
Author Paul Shirley ISBN 9781934952481 Pages 104 Expository Sanctification is not a book on preaching for pastors, it is a book on preaching for Christians. Most believers will listen to thousands of sermons in their life, but may not understand how important these sermons are to their holiness. God designed the proclamation of His Word to have...
Forsaking Israel: Second Edition
Author Various Authors ISBN 9781934952641 Pages 405 Newly updated Second Edition! How is it that Israel has become so forsaken in the history of the church, and why does this matter today? With a mastery of the subject matter, the faculty of Shepherds Theological Seminary guide readers through the history of how the Christian church has been f...
God in Everyday Life: The Book of Ruth for Expositors and Biblical Counselors
Authors Brad Brandt & Eric Kress ISBN 9780977226252 Pages 196 God in Everyday Life combines a few of the varied elements and styles of different types of study aids into one resource, in order to facilitate the biblical exposition and application of the book of Ruth. This is an expositional commentary, along with tools to help apply the bi...
God's Wisdom in Proverbs
Author Daniel J. Philips ISBN 9781934952368 An excellent introduction and selective exposition of the book of Proverbs. Written in a such a way that the seasoned expositor, student, or laymen will be challenged, encouraged, and instructed in skillful living as God has revealed it. “Finding practical skill for living life is always a challenge...
God’s Mercy in Our Suffering: Lamentations for Pastors and Counselors
Authors Eric Kress & Paul Tautges ISBN 9781934952504 Pages 208 (Originally titled The Discipline of Mercy) In God’s Mercy in Our Suffering, pastors and counselors Eric Kress and Paul Tautges take us deep into the book of Lamentations where we are exhorted to place our hope fully in the faithful mercy and loyal love of a gracious God—no m...
God’s Plan for Israel: A Study of Romans 9-11
Author Steven A. Kreloff ISBN 9780977226245 Pages 112 God’s Plan for Israel is a very readable, clear exposition of Romans 9-11, written with deep conviction and love for God’s chosen people, Israel. Steve Kreloff faithfully leads readers along the path Paul takes, explaining God’s plan through the ages for the salvation of the remnant of Jaco...
Heart & Habits: How We Change For Good
Author Greg E. Gifford ISBN 9781934952573 Pages 142 We know that our habits matter, in part, because God commands us to develop certain habits out of a heart that wants to please him. But do you know how your heart influences your habits and how your habits influence your heart? In this book, Heart & Habits, you will learn what the Bible s...
Hope for the Troubled Heart
Author Richard Caldwell ISBN 9781934952566 Pages 76 When we are hurting, we are often in a weakened condition. We need precious truth ready to digest. That's what we have in Psalms 43, 56, and 30. Take the precious truths of these beloved psalms into your soul. Reflect upon your own situations and realize just how faithful God is, and therefore...
Hosea (WGCS)
Author Richard Caldwell ISBN 9781934952528 Pages 188 The Walking in Grace Commentary Series (WGCS) is specifically designed to serve all those seeking clear, concise biblical exposition. The teacher, preacher, student, and layman alike will appreciate its brevity and clarity -- getting to the heart of the text without wasting words. The outline...
Jesus: The Alpha & Omega of Bible Study
Author Thomas Baber ISBN 9781934952511 Pages 190 Thomas Baber, Author: Where do we go to learn how to read the Bible? My answer is simple: Jesus. We have a record of the way Jesus approached, viewed, interpreted, and applied Scripture to His own life and to those around Him. As a matter of first priority, everyone who professes to follow Christ...
Joyful Generosity: Responding to God's Grace
Author Steve Swartz ISBN 9781934952467 Pages 112 The subject of financial giving to the church can create tension and anxiety if not understood from the scriptural perspective of the Christian's heart for Christ. In this theological treatment of giving, Steve Swartz examines the biblical basis for obedience in giving to the Lord's work, which i...
La Copa y la Gloria
Author Greg Harris ISBN 9781934952047 Pages 172 auténticamente expresa la esperanza deslumbrante de la gloria eterna de Dios que pone en perspectiva aun la más oscura copa de sufrimiento mundano. Ya sea que ahora sufras o confortes aquellos que padecen, esto es algo que debe ser leído. John MacArthur, Presidente del Colegio y Seminario "Master...
Letting Go of Legalism
Author Lou Priolo ISBN 9781934952696 Pages 40 The most common form of legalism among evangelicals today is elevating man-made rules above the directives and principles that God has laid out in His Word. It results in judging others (accusing either in one’s heart or with one’s mouth) of sinning when those man made rules are not followed. In thi...
Love Beyond Degree: The Astounding Grace of God in the Prophecies of Hosea
Authors George Zemek & Todd Murray ISBN 9781934952276 An exegetical and pastoral commentary on the book of Hosea in one volume. “This is a most unique study of the book of Hosea. Based on an understanding of the Hebrew Text, Zemek provides a fine exposition of each chapter with a theological emphasis. Murray then follows each exposition ...
Meeting God Behind Enemy Lines: My Christian Testimony as a U.S. Navy SEAL
Author Steve Watkins ISBN 9780977226207 Pages 182 Meeting God Behind Enemy Lines details the intense training of a United States Navy SEAL, and the events that culminated in his coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Included are stories of sniper training, "Hell week", covert operations and training, including Operation Michael Jordan and Desert St...
Micah: Who is Like God?
Author Richard Caldwell ISBN 9781934952375 Pages 120 An excellent exposition of the book of Micah. The Walking in Grace Commentary Series (WGCS) is specifically designed to serve all those seeking clear, concise biblical exposition. The teacher, preacher, student, and layman alike will appreciate its brevity and clarity—getting to the heart of...
Nahum: Meet the True God
Author Richard Caldwell ISBN 9781934952344 Pages 52 The Walking in Grace Commentary Series (WGCS) is specifically designed to serve all those seeking clear, concise biblical exposition. The teacher, preacher, student, and layman alike will appreciate its brevity and clarity—getting to the heart of the text without wasting words. The outlines ...
Notes for the Study and Exposition of First John
Author Eric Kress ISBN 9780971756809 Pages 152 Notes for the Study and Exposition of First John is a collection of reference notes, divided into sermon-sized pieces to facilitate preaching, teaching, and studying through the epistle of first John. "I have found this treatment of 1 John very helpful in my own preparation. It is concise, well o...
One with a Shepherd: The Tears and Triumphs of a Ministry Marriage
Author Mary Somerville ISBN 9781934952290 Pages 346 Now with NEW study questions - One with a Shepherd is a wealth of God's wisdom and grace for the wife of a man in ministry. It is biblical, practical and personal. Whether one has been a pastor's wife for some time, or is just starting out, this book will serve as a faithful friend in equippi...
Philippians for Pastors
Author John Kitchen ISBN 9781934952412 Pages 530 "John Kitchen’s Philippians for Pastors is thoroughly done, theologically informed, exegetically sound, and hermeneutically thoughtful. Suggestions for digging deeper and ministry maxims are sprinkled throughout the text. This commentary will make a fine addition to the library of any pastor or s...
Preaching Illustrations from Church History
Author Ron Prosise ISBN 9781934952238 Preacher and homiletics professor Steve Brown once said, “If you get one good illustration out of an illustration book, it's worth every dime you paid for it.” Preaching Illustrations from Church History is a ready reference of over four hundred choice illustrations for use in preaching and teaching. "Thi...
Rambo--His Final Battle: Three Life Lessons on How to Beat Your Cancer
Authors Thomas J. Baber ISBN 9781934952498 Pages 16 From the Introduction … Albert Rambo served his country in Vietnam from 1967-1972. He was in the Army and, according to his personal testimony, carried out numerous special operations and assignments. On several occasions, he told me that his identity had been used in novels and/or Hollywood...
Resisting Tyranny: Covid, The Church, & Christian Duty
Author Tim Cantrell ISBN 9781934952733 Pages 226 There are only two possible forms of government: Either people rule themselves and the government exists to protect that freedom; or government dominates people and they have no freedom. Right now we’re moving from the former to the latter. People are giving up their freedom in order for go...
Revelation 20 and the Millennial Debate
Author Matt Waymeyer ISBN 9780971756885 Pages 129 Often quoting the proponents of each view regarding premillennialism, amillennialism, and postmillennialism, Revelation 20 and the Millennial Debate summarizes and contrasts the arguments of the three positions as they relate to Revelation 20. Though premillennial in its conclusions, it provide...
Road Maps for the Non-Pauline Epistles and Revelation
Author Kress Biblical Resources ISBN 9781934952061 This book is intended as an initial set of roadmaps (detailed expository outlines of each book) for other adventurers to explore the infinitely beautiful terrain of this portion of God’s Word. Not every geographical marker has been mapped—nor could it be. But it is a guide to help you navigate...
Road Maps for the Pauline Epistles: Detailed Expositional Outlines to Help Rightly Divide the Word of Truth
9781934952740Road Maps for the Pauline Epistles: Detailed Expositional Outlines to Help Rightly Divide the Word of Truth
Author Kress Biblical Resources ISBN 9781934952740 Pages 239 Road Maps for the Pauline Epistles is a valuable resource for both personal Bible study and teaching God’s Word; a true aid to all who wish to be grounded in sound, biblical exegesis. – Jim Milligan, Co-Founder and C.E.O., Blue Letter Bible The outlines in this book are simply remark...
Road Maps for the Psalms: Inductive Preaching Outlines Based on the Hebrew Text
9781934952320Road Maps for the Psalms: Inductive Preaching Outlines Based on the Hebrew Text
Author George Zemek ISBN 9781934952320 Pages 159 Expositional outlines of all 150 Psalms based on the Hebrew text. An excellent resource for preachers, teachers, and anyone looking to understand the message of the each psalm. Dr. Zemek is the Academic Dean of The Expositors Seminary. In 1975, he began his teaching career in the Greek departm...
Shattered Shepherds: Finding Hope in the Midst of Ministry Disaster
Author Steve Swartz ISBN 9781934952221 Pages 128 Shattered Shepherds offers biblical advice concerning ministry problems. It is especially helpful in dealing with the aftermath of a church leadership upheaval and ministry conflict. Frustration, disappointment, and heartache are inevitable in pastoral ministry. Sheep are not always docile and...
Snatched Before the Storm: A Case for Pretibulationalism
Author Richard Mayhue ISBN 9780977226269 Pages 16 Snatched Before the Storm is ideal for the Bible student wanting to investigate what the Bible teaches concerning the rapture of the church and the scheme of pretribulational eschatology. A wealth of biblical research has been distilled and helpfully categorized. Richard L. Mayhue is the Execu...
Spurgeon's Quotes: The Definitive Collection
Foreword by Dr. John MacArthur ISBN 9781934952382 Pages 604 Over 5000 quotations arranged in more than 1000 topical headings from the works of C.H. Spurgeon "… no author I have ever read is as quotable as Spurgeon. His published sermons as well as his books are a fertile source for ideas, expressions, illustrations, and axioms that help make ...
Stand Bold in Grace: An Exposition of Hebrews
Author Robert Gromacki ISBN 9780971756878 Pages 232 Pastors, teachers, Bible schools and colleges, and study groups will benefit from these fine expositions. Based on the English text (KJV), Dr. Gromacki uses his expertise and gifting to present the meaning of the epistle in a clear and straightforward manner. Necessary technical matters and n...