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4th and Four
Author Jim Phillips ISBN 9781939748850 Pages 116 Do you struggle with the expectations placed on you as a man? What is the measure of a true man and how can you successfully meet that benchmark? “4th and Four” was written specifically to help men understand the power source that is available to them if they will seek out and then plug into the...

A Devotional for Dads
Author Mark Gregston ISBN 9781946466501 Pages 230 Your teenager is facing unprecedented and confusing pressures, temptations, and challenges in today’s culture. Mark Gregston has helped teens and their parents through every struggle imaginable, and now he shares his biblical, practical insights with you in bit-sized pieces. Punctuated with Scri...

A King is Coming
Author Paul Wilbur ISBN 9781946466068 Pages 144 What if I told you there is a reason for the increased terrorism, anti-Semitism, and anti-God climate of today? Is there a connection between these events and our cultural changes? How do we sift through all the political correctness polluting our world and stand up for what is biblically correct...

A Life Shared - Meaningful Conversations with Our Kids
Author Ellen Martin ISBN 9781946466266 Pages 112 Parents want to share life with their kids, but it is not easy with hectic schedules and life’s demands. A Life Shared offers vision and insight on how to have meaningful conversations through the busyness of life, questions for transformation, suggestions for action, and grace for every parent....

A Mom's Devotional: Prayers for My Teen
Author Mark Gregston ISBN 9781946466709 Pages 161 "Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you." 1 Samuel 12:23 When difficulties with your teen call for God's intervention.... When you need help expressing your emotions and parenting concerns in prayers.... When your heart is overflowing with thankfulness a...

A Remedy For Itching Ears
Author Jesse Williams Jr. ISBN 9781936989591 Pages 260 Integrity, passion, responsibility …. Dr. Jesse Williams has skillfully redressed the doctrine of our faith. An absolute relevant tool for every Christian trying to live with right practice. Dr. William Curtis, Senior Pastor, Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania This work w...

Adapt or Die
Author Dub Maddox ISBN 9781946466372 Pages 240 Football is evolving rapidly. Defenses are accelerating their ability to adapt to the no-huddle tempo, the full-field passing attack, and RPO advancements of the modern Offensive passing game. The Offense must adapt or get left behind. Fortunately, the R4 System continually advances, making an alr...

Battle for Your Life (NEW Expanded Version with Small Group Study included)
Author Joe Warner ISBN 9781946466006 Pages 160 Many times in life, we seem to battle with the same debilitating issues—from negative habits, thoughts, or emotions, to fears, triggered-reactions, and other matters that adversely affect us. Is there any way to break free from the patterns that bind us, short-circuit us, or leave us in a place we...

Breaking Through the Clouds
Authors Dannie Gregg & Jeremy Walker ISBN 9781939748911 Pages 186 Raising children is hard, but when tragedy strikes, what was once difficult becomes almost impossible. "Breaking Through the Clouds" is a story of how one family dealt with unimaginable sorrow by walking in faith. With disarming honesty, Dannie Gregg shares the story of how ...

Capology: Coverage. Alignment. Personnel
Author Dub Maddox ISBN 9781953576071 Pages 193 Since the turn of the century, science has accelerated sport performance. Technology has increased the flow of information to accelerate movement and sport strategies. The final frontier to be explored in sports is the realm of the mind. Lack of science in this area has created a lag in the a...

Captured by Love: And Raising a Generation Captivated by God
Author Katie McHargue ISBN 9781946466143 Pages 98 Women are you ready to throw off what the world says you should look and be like, and find your security and identity in what your Heavenly Father says? Do you struggle to disciple your children, but desire them to know God? Do you hunger for an encounter with God, but the busyness of life and...

Come Alive to Her Heart
ISBN 9781946466983 Author Bruce Lengeman Pages 67 In a culture that attempts to socialize men into a watered-down version of maleness, many men are rising up and discovering God's design. This learning process, though, must lead them into a God-likeness marked by both steel and velvet characteristics. Come Alive To Her Heart focuses on the vel...
Common Sense Destroys Faith in the Theory of Evolution: Written in Non-Technical Everyday Language
Common Sense Destroys Faith in the Theory of Evolution: Written in Non-Technical Everyday Language
Author W.D. Cain ISBN 9781953576095 Pages 207 The false theory of evolution kicks aside God, but now in non-tech terms you can destroy it! You don’t have to be a white-coat evolutionary scientist to know that: Nothingness did not create everything That chaos did not create our remarkable ordered world That blindness did not create sigh...

Daddy, Do Cowboys Pray?
Author James Ezell ISBN 9781936989553 Pages 64 Pray? Why Pray? Who Prays? Do my heroes pray? What do they pray about? Join Zeke as he asks the same question many children and adults all over the world ask. Come into Zeke’s world as he meets many of his other heroes along this journey to find out "Do Cowboys" Pray. James Ezell resides with his...

Defeat Your Saboteurs
Author T. Grant Acker ISBN 9781936989874 Pages 212 Defeat Your Saboteurs is about how to “get a life”, but not just any life. It is about how to get a good life – one worth living – an abundant life. The book is about the very real spirit dimension which you live in simultaneously with the physical dimension. The book explains how that unsee...

Destroying the Spirit of Poverty
Authors Jane & Walter Turner ISBN 9781936989966 Pages 48 Learn how you, too, can root out and tear down this enemy’s strongholds in your life and begin living the overcoming, overflowing life of abundance that Jesus Christ has promised you in His word. Learn how to use the weapons of your warfare to gain a lasting victory over this invisib...

Ezra: Help
Author Leslie Achord ISBN 9781936989461 Pages 235 Experience the voice of the Lord. He is still talking to His people. With all of the different voices we are hearing today, it is great to get back to the voice of the Lord. He is the only One who can get us back on the right path, in order to become all He designed us to be. If you’ve fallen t...

Fearless Living
Author Linda Knight ISBN 9781939748300 Pages 172 Fearless Living is a unique, reflective journey that leads the reader from looking at the world, circumstances, events with fear to a place of trust in God. Each day presents a passage of scripture where we are told not to fear. The context of when and where this directive was given by God is ex...

Fishing Differently: Ministry Formation in the Marketplace
Author Rev. Dr. Sidney S. Williams Jr. ISBN 9781946466358 Pages 70 The first year of a new pastoral assignment in an established congregation is often referred to as the honeymoon phase, but this can be extremely misleading. Getting the first year right in a new pastoral assignment will actually require a profound understanding of the historica...

For Every Mountain
Author Reginald Weaver ISBN 9781953576163 Pages 193 Prayer, perseverance, and God’s provision are contributing factors for overcoming the trials, hardships, and mishaps in life. Just imagine growing up as an only child with parents who gave you just about anything you asked for within reason. Up until the time I left my parents’ h...
God Is Not Done With You Yet!: Stories of God's deliverance and restoration around the world
God Is Not Done With You Yet!: Stories of God's deliverance and restoration around the world
Author Josephine Mukamazimpaka ISBN 9781953576378 Pages 128 Josephine Mukamazimpaka, the author of the heartfelt book “God Is Not Done With You Yet!”, warmly invites readers to embark on a journey of transformation. Through engaging storytelling, she shares her inspiring story as a young Christian girl who matures into a world-changing indivi...

God Isn't Finished With You Yet

God, Do You Play?
Author Bruce Lengeman ISBN 9780998181530 Pages 26 Come discover how God delights in you through this playful and rhythmic tale of a boy who simply wants to know if God ever gets to play. Bruce Lengeman and his wife, Ruthie, have 9 children who have blessed them with 16 grandchildren. Over the past 30 years of his life, Bruce has been a par...

Granny's Rocker
Author Vickie Drake ISBN 9781936989614 Pages 32 What better place is there than a rocking chair for sharing quality time with a child? You can join in the delight as the interaction on these pages unfolds in rhyme. Come nestle in Granny’s Rocker with your dear little one and see what tender moments await. Growing up in rural Kansas, Vickie wa...

Happy Tails to You
Author Debra L. Brand ISBN 9781946466808 Pages 35 If animals had adventure stories, what would they be? Is there drama in a hermit crab's life? Is camping safe? Ever wonder where mice go when they hide in your glove compartment? What would two talking parrots say to each other? These are stories sure to spark the imagination of the reader and l...

HEAR! Learning to recognize and respond to God’s voice
Author Darin Slack ISBN 9781953576330 Pages 270 Book Description: Discover the power and freedom of hearing God’s voice in this life-changing book. Darin reveals how hearing God can bring joy, guidance, and purpose into your life. You will be challenged to encounter the fellowship of the Holy Spirit giving you “ears to hear” how He sees you,...

Heaven or Hell: Unveiling Divine Revelations
Author Dr. Patricia Green ISBN 9781936989195 Pages 234 Is heaven a real place?Is hell a real place?Where are heaven and hell located and what are they really like?People are willing to believe that heaven is genuine, but have a difficult time reconciling that hell exists. Evangelist and Prophet, Dr. Patricia Green was given spiritual visions t...

How To Bloom Where You Are
Author Dr. Darial A. Jackson ISBN 9781939748218 Pages 250 As you read How to Bloom Where You Are, you will learn how Rev. Darial Jackson faced many challenges and controversies from all angles. He served as a police officer for a number of years, and was later sentenced to seven years in prison, where God used him powerfully to minister to the...

I am the God that Reveals
Author Patricia Green ISBN 9781939748072 Pages 236 Have you ever read the book of Revelation and come away with more confusion than insight? Has apprehension of end time events instilled such fear within you that you refuse to read the book of Revelation? If you answered yes to either question, then you are not alone. Dr. Patricia Green expoun...

I'm Stuck And I Can't Get Out
Author Dr. Kevin R. Baird ISBN 9781946466730 Pages 152 Have you ever felt STUCK? Stuck in a dead-end job? Stuck in an unfair situation? Stuck in your spiritual journey? or 100 other immobilizing circumstances? How did you get STUCK? and How do you get OUT? In I’M STUCK AND I CAN’T GET OUT, Dr. Kevin Baird digs deep into these quest...

Keeping Kyla - Healing New Hampton Series: Book One
Author Joan Crombie ISBN 9781946466891 Pages 504 Healing New Hampton Series: Book One Breaking up with Alex Duvall was not on Kyla DeKane's agenda, and now her future dreams are dashed. On the heels of that, she must deal with the unexpected appearance of her biological father, leaving her bursting with questions regarding his seventeen year ab...

Kingdom Culture
Author Bruce Lengeman ISBN 9781946466150 Pages 230 Have you ever wondered why some businesses, ministries, and marriages flourish while others fall flat on their face? International Christian speaker and author, Bruce Lengeman, will teach you how to build a healthy, life-giving culture that will generate amazing teams. From business to ministr...

La Pesca Deferente
Author Rev. Dr. Sidney S. Williams, Jr. ISBN 9781953576224 Pages 70 ¿Por qué debería comprar este libro? El primer año de una nueva designación pastoral en una congregación establecida se conoce como la fase de la luna de miel, pero esto puede ser extremadamente engañoso. Tener éxito en el primer año en una nueva designación pastoral req...

Leadership Endurance
Author Brian Sanders ISBN 9781946466624 Pages 360 How to Last as a LeaderThere are other books to help you climb the ladder as a leader. This one helps you last once you get there. Leadership Endurance is all about growing through the pain, self-doubt, and the loneliness that inevitably will besiege anyone who seeks the challenge of leadership...

Leaving a Legacy of Hope
Author Mark Gregston ISBN 9781946466235 Pages 272 Teens today are stuffed with information, yet starving for wisdom. They act distant, but the truth is, they need you now more than ever. You have a place in their lives—your gray hair, your wisdom, your relationship, your involvement in their lives to help counter the contrary influence in today...

Life and Death on a Contested Island
ISBN 9781946466952 Author N. L. Fix Pages 153 Life and Death on a Contested Island is a memoir detailing experiences of a young American instructor and newspaper editor on Sakhalin Island, Russia. Invited to teach business and language classes at the remote island Institute, she quickly found herself in a cold and hostile environment where her ...
Life Lessons: From Jesse, Jenny, Judy – the Roberts Family & Fritz, Snooji, Shine – the Growler Family
Life Lessons: From Jesse, Jenny, Judy – the Roberts Family & Fritz, Snooji, Shine – the Growler Family
Author Bruce Lengeman ISBN 9781953576132 Pages 69 From the Author, Bruce Lengeman: When my nine children were growing up, they all were familiar with the stories that I made up about the Roberts (people) and the Growler (bears) families. I told these stories to teach them character, love, maturity, God, integrity, and more. My nine are all ...

Love, Leadership, & Influence: The Power of Transforming Relationships
Author Penny Tucci ISBN 9781953576125 Pages 124 God has a place of profound influence for each of us. Penny Tucci shares her life with us in a way that is both vulnerable and challenging. She lets us in on the intimate details of a journey that is filled with painful obstacles and miraculous outcomes. She gives insight into the characteristi...

Loving Leah - Healing New Hampton Series: Book Two
Author Joan Crombie ISBN 9781953576101 Pages 516 Healing New Hampton Series: Book Two Weary of ex-fiancé drama in her hometown of Bridgewater, Leah Labanora’s dreams come true when she inherits her grandparents’ home on the outskirts of New Hampton. Before long, however, she discovers someone has been coming into her house when she’s not there...

Making Mari - Healing New Hampton Series: Book 3
Author Joan Crombie ISBN 9781953576279 Pages 456 Healing New Hampton Series: Book Three When a knee injury forces Mari Coleman’s mid-semester exit from college, her consolation is reuniting with her boyfriend, Will. Crushed to learn that her dream job at New Hampton’s Sunlight Women’s Center went to an old rival, Mari takes a shift at the Tait...

Making Sense Out Of Life
Author Patrick McGuffin ISBN 9780981935614 Pages 209 When your life has been shaken, what practical steps can you take to turn things around? Unexplainable issues impact our lives from time to time. But making sense out of those things is only part of the solution. You need to have proven strategies in place to help you successfully navigate t...

Morning Meditations
Author Sidney Williams ISBN 9781939748607 Pages 116 Many people are more depressed or anxious in the morning hours than any other time of the day. “Morning Meditations” was written to provide hope, encouragement, and spiritual support for men and women who struggle to get out of bed each morning. Journaling pages are included to express person...

My House Shall Be Called The House of Prayer
Author Cheryl A.W. Wallace ISBN 9781939748034 Pages 88 Imagine hearing, “Momma don’t need to know,” and you instantly recognize the voice of your child. During my prayer time, God revealed the hidden plans of satan. This book provides the necessary tools for effective and victorious prayer. God speaks to His children. He wants us to know His l...

My Journey to Healing
Author Bev Weirsther ISBN 9781939748287 Pages 108 From a Death Sentence to a Life Restored! My Journey to Healing reflects the author’s miraculous journey from sickness to health. Within these pages are the strategies to unlocking the supernatural power of God to change whatever unwelcome diagnosis a person has been given. It is God’s will for...

Nehemiah People
Author Paul Cuny ISBN 9780998181561 Pages 162 Nehemiah People defines the sacred calling to bring God's divine order to all the spheres of culture outside the walls of the church house. In Nehemiah People, you will discover your purpose and destiny in society is on a much higher scale than you ever imagined. Through the life of Nehemiah of the...

One Day Closer to God
Author Eljaye Jobaye ISBN 9781939748126 Pages 236 How do you find God in the midst of pain, suffering, and despair? Who should you turn to for assistance when you’re at your lowest point? No matter what kind of life you've led, or what kinds of sins you've committed, where is the one place you can find eternal salvation? The answers to these ...

Our Higher Calling
Author Sherrell Byrd ISBN 9781939748713 Pages 136 Are you experiencing hardship, trials and tribulation? Has tragedy struck your life? Do you feel like giving up and throwing in the towel? If so, you are not alone. The Bible reminds us in Psalm 34:19, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” Go...

Promises for Dynamic Living
Author Linda Knight ISBN 9780996271639 Pages 200 Has worry about the future permeated your life? We live in a world filled with uncertainty, stressful situations, demanding circumstances, and even challenging people. In Promises for Dynamic Living, you will discover the specific promises which God has provided for you through His Word. Linda...