
I am the God that Reveals
Author Patricia Green ISBN 9781939748072 Pages 236 Have you ever read the book of Revelation and come away with more confusion than insight? Has apprehension of end time events instilled such fear within you that you refuse to read the book of Revelation? If you answered yes to either question, then you are not alone. Dr. Patricia Green expoun...

Soak in My Love My Bride
Author Dr Patricia Green ISBN 9780996571371 Pages 116 During her quest to draw closer to Yahweh and Yehshua, Patricia Green received a revelation from the Holy Spirit. The Spirit showed her seven ways in which God’s children can soak in His love. From that revelation, Green understood that the bride of Christ needs to prepare for her Bridegroo...

The Final Seven
Author Patricia Green ISBN 9781939748027 Pages 168 When will the Tribulation begin? Are you ready for The Final Seven? Dr. Patricia Green has been shown spiritual visions of future events to precede and encompass the final seven years of tribulation. She describes a nuclear world war, a clandestine meeting of world leaders, and many other cata...

The Seven Spirits of Yahweh
Author Dr. Patricia Green ISBN 9781939748546 Pages 108 Dr. Patricia Green gives biblical proof that Yahweh has Seven Spirits full of supernatural power that He desires to impart. Patricia describes each of His Spirits and recounts dreams, visions, and stories, revealing how the Seven Spirits of Yahweh operate. Do you desire more spiritual pow...