
Anyone for Heaven?
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783971909 Pages 64 As a friend of mine often reminds people, ‘We are not here to stay; we are here to go.’ I am writing these words in a consultant’s waiting room in a London hospital. Some of the other patients are showing signs of great physical distress, moving reminders that the whole world is a hospital in w...

Can We Be Good Without God?
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783971473 Pages 56 pages One of the things that distinguishes humankind from every other species on earth is that we have a moral dimension. A moral law seems to be programmed into our psychological ‘software’ and our awareness of it is triggered by the conscience, a mysterious monitor that pokes its nose into ...

Dealing With Dawkins
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783971466 First published in 2010, this book has been available for some time and now returns in a new pocket-size format. Professor Edgar Andrews says of this book: John Blanchard has produced yet another winner. This time he engages with the so-called new atheism promoted by Richard Dawkins in his books The...

Does Life Have Any Meaning
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783972272 Pages 82 This new publication is something different from the veteran evangelist: longer than Ultimate Questions and his booklets such as Why Believe the Bible?, this is nevertheless a short book (82 pages). It won’t take long to read but takes the reader from the claims of the science-base mysticism tha...

Evolution Fact or Fiction (2016 version)
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783971527 40 pages The theory of evolution has been called the most powerful and the most comprehensive idea that has ever arisen on earth. It has been so passionately argued and so heavily promoted in the mass media that millions of people with no scientific expertise assume it must be true. Evolutionism says tha...

Ultimate Questions 2014 Spanish
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783970056 Pages 32 A5 Booklet Health, finance, family, the future - life is full of questions. There are deeper questions, too. Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Does life have any purpose? But the ultimate questions are about God. Does he exist? What is he like? Can I know him and experience his p...

Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783972531 Pages 128 This entirely new book from John Blanchard is a guide to living the Christian life in today's world. It's written for new Christians, but see the commendations below for wider use! "Clear. Concise. Comprehensive. Unwrapped is a great starting point for new Christians, but also a lovely freshe...

Whatever Happened to Hell?
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9780852349793 Pages 435 An outstanding, and sobering, volume from John Blanchard. Many would air-brush hell out of all thought today - or at least play down its horror and duration. Dr J.I. Packer says in the Foreword that he "gratefully commends [the book] and hopes it will be widely read". The need is no less now, a...

Where is God When Things Go Wrong
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783971732 Pages 40 pages (A5 booklet) We live in what has been called a world with ragged edges. Earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, fires, famine and other natural disasters kill millions of people and injure countless others, sometimes wiping out huge numbers within a few hours. John Blanchard,...

Why Believe the Bible?
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783971725 Pages 64 The Bible is the most revered book in the world; it is also the most reviled. Millions of people turn to it every day to find inspiration and direction for their lives, yet for 2,000 years no other book has been so hated, vilified and attacked. For many people the Bible is neither loved nor...

Why the Cross?
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783972166 Pages 60 Why has the symbol of the cross remained so popular? Was there anything unique about the crucifixion of Jesus? Why was he put to death? What difference does the cross make today? Here is a booklet from best-selling author, John Blanchard, that answers all these questions – and many more – and m...