
A Devotional for Dads
Author Mark Gregston ISBN 9781946466501 Pages 230 Your teenager is facing unprecedented and confusing pressures, temptations, and challenges in today’s culture. Mark Gregston has helped teens and their parents through every struggle imaginable, and now he shares his biblical, practical insights with you in bit-sized pieces. Punctuated with Scri...

A Life Shared - Meaningful Conversations with Our Kids
Author Ellen Martin ISBN 9781946466266 Pages 112 Parents want to share life with their kids, but it is not easy with hectic schedules and life’s demands. A Life Shared offers vision and insight on how to have meaningful conversations through the busyness of life, questions for transformation, suggestions for action, and grace for every parent....

A Mom's Devotional: Prayers for My Teen
Author Mark Gregston ISBN 9781946466709 Pages 161 "Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you." 1 Samuel 12:23 When difficulties with your teen call for God's intervention.... When you need help expressing your emotions and parenting concerns in prayers.... When your heart is overflowing with thankfulness a...

Captured by Love: And Raising a Generation Captivated by God
Author Katie McHargue ISBN 9781946466143 Pages 98 Women are you ready to throw off what the world says you should look and be like, and find your security and identity in what your Heavenly Father says? Do you struggle to disciple your children, but desire them to know God? Do you hunger for an encounter with God, but the busyness of life and...

Come Alive to Her Heart
ISBN 9781946466983 Author Bruce Lengeman Pages 67 In a culture that attempts to socialize men into a watered-down version of maleness, many men are rising up and discovering God's design. This learning process, though, must lead them into a God-likeness marked by both steel and velvet characteristics. Come Alive To Her Heart focuses on the vel...

For Every Mountain
Author Reginald Weaver ISBN 9781953576163 Pages 193 Prayer, perseverance, and God’s provision are contributing factors for overcoming the trials, hardships, and mishaps in life. Just imagine growing up as an only child with parents who gave you just about anything you asked for within reason. Up until the time I left my parents’ h...

Leaving a Legacy of Hope
Author Mark Gregston ISBN 9781946466235 Pages 272 Teens today are stuffed with information, yet starving for wisdom. They act distant, but the truth is, they need you now more than ever. You have a place in their lives—your gray hair, your wisdom, your relationship, your involvement in their lives to help counter the contrary influence in today...

Raising Teens in a Contrary Culture
Author Mark Gregston ISBN 9781946466488 Pages 278 Without question, most parents have said that they are glad they don’t have to be raised in the current adolescent culture. The problem is, their teens do! The biggest challenge a parent faces is learning how to transfer the principles and values they hold dear, to their teen who is growing up ...

Raising Teens in a Contrary Culture DVD Kit
Author Mark Gregston ISBN 9781946466341 Workbook Pages 124 Without question, most parents have said that they are glad they don’t have to be raised in the current adolescent culture. The problem is, their teens do! The biggest challenge a parent faces is learning how to transfer the principles and values they hold dear, to their teen who is gr...

Ready Set Married
Author Buddy Mendez ISBN 9781936989232 Pages 138 Ready, Set, Married helps couples prepare for their upcoming marriage, and prosper in their current marriage. Topics covered include: Commitment: Once married, always married Honesty: Speaking the truth in love Unselfishness: Looking out for the interests of each other Humility: Saying “I’m...