
Does Life Have Any Meaning
Author John Blanchard ISBN 9781783972272 Pages 82 This new publication is something different from the veteran evangelist: longer than Ultimate Questions and his booklets such as Why Believe the Bible?, this is nevertheless a short book (82 pages). It won’t take long to read but takes the reader from the claims of the science-base mysticism tha...

God's Mission Vision
Author John DeVries ISBN 9780988420274 Pages 174 Satan’s most effective tool is to get us to follow our concept of good in place of God’s concept of good. When the good that we want to do replaces the good God calls us to do, we lapse into sin. In doing so, we put ourselves in God’s place. Does your concept of good in your mission-vision match...

Heaven or Hell: Unveiling Divine Revelations
Author Dr. Patricia Green ISBN 9781936989195 Pages 234 Is heaven a real place?Is hell a real place?Where are heaven and hell located and what are they really like?People are willing to believe that heaven is genuine, but have a difficult time reconciling that hell exists. Evangelist and Prophet, Dr. Patricia Green was given spiritual visions t...

World English Bible: Compact Edition
Published by DEI Ministries ISBN 9798989631308 Pages 768 The World English Bible (WEB) is a Public Domain (no copyright), Modern English translation of the Holy Bible, based on the American Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible first published in 1901 (the ASV is also the basis for the NASB and LSB translations). The World English Bible utili...