
Abide: Understanding the Secrets of Living for Jesus
Author Warren W. Wiersbe ISBN 9781910587737 Pages 78 Do you know the secret of living? In order to bear fruit, we must abide in Christ... What is the secret of abiding? It is obeying; give God your will. What is the secret of obeying? It is loving; give God your heart. What is the secret of loving? It is knowing; give God your mind. Christ gave...

Ancient Voices: An Insider's Look at the Early Church
Author Louis Markos ISBN 9798985255348 Pages 256 The world of early Christianity was not ancient to its participants—it was a vibrant world full of beliefs and ideas. Studying people from the outside affords knowledge and insight, but to transform that knowledge and insight into wisdom and discernment, we must open ourselves to seeing th...

Essays on Church, State, and Politics
Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics ISBN: 9780865974982 Pages: 336 The works found in Essays on Church, State, and Politics, which originated as disputations, theses, and pamphlets, were direct interventions in the unresolved issue of the political role of religion in Brandenburg-Prussia, a state which a Calvinist dynasty ruled over a large...

HEAR! Learning to recognize and respond to God’s voice
Author Darin Slack ISBN 9781953576330 Pages 270 Book Description: Discover the power and freedom of hearing God’s voice in this life-changing book. Darin reveals how hearing God can bring joy, guidance, and purpose into your life. You will be challenged to encounter the fellowship of the Holy Spirit giving you “ears to hear” how He sees you,...

My Life in Film: How the Movies Shaped My Soul
Title: My Life in Film: How the Movies Shaped My Soul Author: Louis Markos Publisher: Stone Tower Press Number of Pages: 256 Book Dimensions: 6”x9” Binding Style: Paperback Paperback ISBN: 979-8-9894008-2-9 Book Description: If I had never seen Casablanca or Citizen Kane, The Grapes of Wrath or Wuthering Heights, It’s a Wonderful ...

Presbyterian Prophet: The Life and Ministry of J. Rodman Williams
Author: Mark A. Jumper Publisher: Stone Tower Press Publishing Date: 1/26/24 Number of Pages: 500 Book Dimensions: 6”x9” Binding Style: Perfect (Paperback) Paperback ISBN: 979-8-9894008-1-2 Book Description: RODMAN WILLIAMS (1918–2008), known by many as the father of modern Renewal Theology, had a long and vibrant ministry as a Presbyteri...

Principles of Moral and Christian Philosophy (set)
Author: George Turnbull Edited and with an Introduction by Alexander Broadie ISBN: 978086597417 The Principles of Moral and Christian Philosophy presents the first masterpiece of Scottish Common Sense philosophy. This two-volume treatise is important for its wide range of insights about the nature of the human mind, the foundations of morals, a...

Roman History and Biblical Wisdom
Author Robert Freiberg ISBN 9798989400898 Pages 140 History is filled with events, personalities, and analogies that illustrate biblical ideas and truths. Sixty such glimpses from Roman history are presented in this devotional volume. Readers will learn of Rome and its empire in its glory and in its decline. The Roman world proclaimed its virtue...

The Divine Feudal Law: Or, Covenants with Mankind, Represented
Author: Samuel PufendorfTranslated by Theophilus Dorrington (1703)Edited and with an Introduction by Simone Zurbuchen The Divine Feudal Law sets forth Pufendorf’s basis for the reunion of the Lutheran and Calvinist confessions. This attempt to seek a “conciliation” between the confessions complements the concept of toleration discussed in Of...

The Great King
Title: The Great King Author: Kris Goertzen Publisher: Kress Biblical Resources Number of Pages: 41 ISBN: 9781934952825 Drawing on the main themes of God’s good and just rule as king, man’s sin, and God’s salvation of sinners, The Great King is a personalized retelling of gospel truths in story form for children and adults of all ages. Simple, ...

The Journey Home
The Journey Home is a devotional and practical study of how to think our way through this life of difficulty and live a life of true humility. THINKING OUR WAY HOMEIn this study, we are learning how to think our way home–how to think as we persevere to the end. There is no glorification with Christ apart from suffering with Christ. The world ha...